Where is First Hawaiian's corporate headquarters?
First Hawaiian, Inc.’s corporate headquarters is in the First Hawaiian Center, located at 999 Bishop St., Honolulu, Hawaii, 96813
Where is the company incorporated?
First Hawaiian is incorporated in the state of Delaware
How is First Hawaiian’s stock traded?
First Hawaiian common stock is listed on the NASDAQ Global Select Market (NASDAQ) under the symbol “FHB”
Who is the independent auditor for First Hawaiian?
Deloitte & Touche LLP is the independent auditor for First Hawaiian, its contact information is as follows:
Deloitte & Touche LLP
999 Bishop Street, Suite 2700
Honolulu, HI 96813
808 543-0700
Fax 855 214-5030
Does First Hawaiian have a dividend reinvestment plan (DRIP) and how can I participate?
First Hawaiian does not have a dividend reinvestment plan at this time.
How can I purchase stock in First Hawaiian?
Shares in First Hawaiian can be purchased through a registered stockbroker
How can I get a copy of my stock certificate?
First Hawaiian shares are “uncertificated”, which means that stockholders own shares of First Hawaiian stock without holding actual stock certificates. Uncertificated shares are recorded in the Direct Registration System (DRS) and have the same rights and benefits as certificated shares, but without the risk of certificate theft, loss or misplacement.
The firm where you have your brokerage account holding your First Hawaiian shares should provide regular account statements reflecting the number of shares you hold.
Who is First Hawaiian's transfer agent?
The transfer agent and registrar for our common stock is American Stock Transfer and Trust Company, LLC, its contact information is as follows:
American Stock Transfer & Trust Company LLC
6201 15th Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11219
800-937-5449 or (toll call)
Whom do I contact with questions about my stock?
Registered stockholders can contact the Company’s transfer agent, American Stock Transfer & Trust Company LLC, by calling
800 937-5449 visiting
www.amstock.com, or via email at
info@amstock.com. Beneficial stockholders with shares held by a broker in the name of a brokerage house should contact their broker.
How do I transfer stock or change the address on my shareholder account?
Registered stockholders can contact the Company’s transfer agent, American Stock Transfer & Trust Company LLC, by calling
800 937-5449, visiting
www.amstock.com, or via email at
info@amstock.com. Beneficial stockholders should contact their broker for assistance. If you wish to change the name on your shareholder account, you should contact AST to request that a Transfer of Ownership Form and instructions be mailed to you.
Where can I get the latest corporate news releases?
How can I view documents First Hawaiian has filed with the Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC), including Forms 10-K and 10-Q?
You can view and download documents filed with the SEC by clicking on
SEC Filings.
When is your next earnings release scheduled? How can I receive email updates for this information?
A calendar of upcoming investor events, including earnings releases, can be accessed on the
Investor Events page. You can sign up to automatically receive notifications via email by going to the
E-mail Alerts page.
Whom should I contact regarding investor inquiries?
Contact information for investor inquiries can be found on the
IR Contacts page
How can I obtain a copy of your annual report and proxy?
When and where will First Hawaiian’s hold its next annual meeting?
Information about First Hawaiian’s next annual meeting will be posted on the calendar on the
Investor Events page.
How can I obtain further information or materials on First Hawaiian?